Laser Engineering has expanded its services to embrace the Core Analysis Laboratory for the Oil and Gas industry in order to bridge the existing research gap in the country. She has invested in research and her laboratories can be used to conduct research in the following areas:

⦁ Enhanced Oil Recovery

⦁ Relative Permeability (Steady and Unsteady state)

⦁ Rock-Fluid Compatibility 

⦁ Crude Oil Finger Printing

⦁ Complete Crude Assay Analysis

⦁ Flow Assurance

⦁ PVT Studies

⦁ Environmental Studies

⦁ Mineralogy Identification and Quantification (XRD and XRF)

Laser Engineering collaborates with private and government tertiary institutions of learning, research organizations and companies that are interested in conducting and developing in-country research capacity. Internally, the Core Analysis unit liaises with other units to conduct relevant studies in various areas that impact on the petroleum industry. The unit has published several research papers in reservoir management, PVT and Environmental studies.

The Core Analysis unit is also involved in software development especially for the oil and gas industry because software packages are part of the industry’s daily routine. A user-friendly software called LaserMBAL which can estimate hydrocarbon volumes and the primary drive energy of a reservoir has been developed. The snapshots below show some interfaces in the software.


Laser Engineering has added Core analysis, Core handling, Preservation, and Storage to her suite of services. This makes her a complete reservoir-integrated service provider in reservoir description, production enhancement, and reservoir management for the petroleum industry. These services will enable the oil and gas operators to properly manage their assets and maximize recovery. Her core services include:

⦁ Well-site Core Analysis

⦁ Core Storage

⦁ Spectral Gamma Log

⦁ Mineral Identification and Quantification

⦁ High-Resolution Digital Core Photography

⦁ Conventional/Routine Core Analysis

⦁ Fluid Saturation

⦁ Porosity

⦁ Permeability

⦁ Grain Size and Density Analysis

⦁ Sedimentary facies Analysis

⦁ Environment of Deposition

⦁ QEMSCAN Analysis

⦁ Biostratigraphy Analysis

⦁ Thin section Analysis for grain texture, grain size, mineralogy

⦁ Special Core Analysis

⦁ Capillary Pressure measurement

⦁ Wettability Determination

⦁ Relative Permeability (Steady and Unsteady State) Studies

⦁ Electrical Property measurements

⦁ Rock Geo-mechanics, etc. 

Laser Engineering has state-of-the-art equipment such as the recently acquired Core Flooding equipment that can be 

used for core flooding studies at reservoir conditions.


⦁ Capillary Pressure Desaturator

⦁ Surface Tensiometer (Surface and Interfacial Tension measurement)

⦁ AFS -300 Core Flooding System

⦁ X-RAY Diffractometer

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